Thursday, October 23, 2008

Palin's Failin' Nature

Here's a little research on Palin and the natural environment. It seems to me that Palin has very little respect for the natural world and its creatures.

When asked about global warming, Palin says:
"I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made," Palin said.

On protection of threatened Beluga whales, Palin says:
"I am especially concerned that an unnecessary federal listing and designation of critical habitat would do serious long-term damage to the vibrant economy of the Cook Inlet area"

On protecting threatened Polar Bears, Palin says:
"We believe that the Service's decision to list the polar bear was not based on the best scientific and commercial data available," Governor Palin said. Governor Sarah Palin filed a lawsuit to overturn the Federal decision to list the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

On protecting salmon from pollution caused by mining:
Ms. Palin issued a last-minute statement of opposition to a ballot measure that would have provided added protections for salmon from potential contamination from mining.

On Exxon and Valdez:
Palin refuses to push Exxon to pay the government for the unanticipated environmental injuries from the disastrous 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Almost 20 years later, the private case is still unresolved and the governments likewise have yet to collect full payment from Exxon. Meanwhile, Exxon reaps record profits from Alaska.

On promoting more clean water:
Palin aggressively opposed the "clean water initiative" on the August ballot in Alaska (which then failed), favoring instead foreign mining company desires for fewer government regulations controlling their toxic effluent into salmon streams.

On wolves and bears:
Palin approved and expanded the state's aerial predator control program, where wolves are shot from aircraft and bears hunted from aircraft and killed upon landing. This year, her state biologists even dragged 14 newborn wolf pups from their den and, having already shot their parents, then shot each of the pups in the head at close range.

On opening ANWAR and Alska to more drilling, Palin says:
It’s going to take at least five years. You know, and there are other areas in Alaska too, that have the reserves that need to be tapped, certainly offshore. There’s trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, and billions of barrels of oil there too that need to be tapped. We also have a natural gas pipeline that is underway now, a process to get that constructed, where we can build infrastructure and allow known reserves of natural gas up on our North Slope - it’s already there, it’s already proven – to be tapped and flow through a natural gas pipeline. Our legislature is dealing with that issue right now, getting ready to license a company to build that gas line. Again, to feed these hungry markets.

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45 miles a year ago, 45 miles tomorrow!

45 miles a year ago, 45 miles tomorrow!

Pablo the Monk Parrot who lives near my house.

Pablo the Monk Parrot who lives near my house.

Josie the moose

Josie the moose
photographed in Lake Josephine, near Many Glacier Hotel, Montana, summer 2008