Monday, October 20, 2008

Politik Kills

I'm growing weary of the distraction of hate. I guess it makes some people feel good. I saw it coming from the beginning... people seemed to decide that just talking about the real issues might not be enough to win... so...

It's so easy to feel better about ones' self by projecting problems and negativity on others. Hmmm... Let's review a few accusations that have successfully distracted lots of Americans:
  • His fomer pastor is a radical african-american preacher (and he, therefore, a black militant himself).

  • Since he has had contact w/ a certain William Ayres, he's certainly friend of terrorists (ergo, a terrorist, or a "one man terrorist cell" himself, who palls around with lotsa other funky terrorosts in D.C.).

  • He attended a Muslim school as a child so... uh... that proves that he's a muslim, and we all know what that means.

  • He's a liar (and Bush and McPain are honest?).

  • He's a rock star (millions of people love him- even europeans!).

  • He's a socialist (and we all no what socialist democracies often lead to... prosperity, shorter work weeks, improved healthcare and dangerous things like that).

  • He refused to sign legislation that would have helped saved dying enfants.

  • He tried cocaine as a teenager, and any fella knows that a "presidential" dude would never have a past containing mistakes.(
  • "Liberals hate real Americans that work and achieve and believe in God.

All of this... is making me sick. Not because they're lies (many people are dishonest - nothing new), but because they bury the real issues that america should be considering at this moment in time.

It always takes focus and action to do good in this world. So why don't the candidates and their supporters focus and discuss the things that they and we can improve?

When I heard Manu Chao's Politik Kills, I knew what he meant and intuitively felt him to be right--- but for my own seeking of truth, I wondered ... in what way do politics kill?

Filling our minds with politics of hate renders our ability to focus on achieving good in this world useless. With a hefty load of mud slinging through our minds, we become indifferent to the things that really matter. You know... little bitty ole things, like starvation, disease, murder, genocide, education, discrimination, crime, healthcare... and layers of mud have masked our awareness and inclination to focus on the real problems in our country, and those that we have created elsewhere (

Indifference causes inaction. While well-chosen actions and well-discussed plans for action can and do bring more good to our world, inaction kills. So, I think it's clear that Manu's right: Politik Kills:

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45 miles a year ago, 45 miles tomorrow!

45 miles a year ago, 45 miles tomorrow!

Pablo the Monk Parrot who lives near my house.

Pablo the Monk Parrot who lives near my house.

Josie the moose

Josie the moose
photographed in Lake Josephine, near Many Glacier Hotel, Montana, summer 2008